Thailand Beach
The following are a few Asian Closed-End Funds:
1.Taiwan Fund – TWN
Total Assets = $357 Mil
Discount to NAV = -12.21%
2.Korea Fund – KF
Total Assets = $554 Mil
Discount to NAV = -13.06%
3.Aberdeen Australia Equity Fund – IAF
Total Assets = $300 Mil
Discount to NAV = -5.78%
4.Singapore Fund – SGF
Total Assets = $160 Mil
Discount to NAV = -16.33%
5.Thai Capital Fund- TF
Total Assets = $39 Mil
Discount to NAV = -13.95%
All the above five funds are trading at a discount to NAV which implies that they are cheap at these prices. Australia and Singapore are probably safer funds than the rest. Thai fund is a frontier market fund. As a the Asian markets are falling in sync with world markets caution is warranted before investing in any of these funds. But these funds are a better way to invest than to pick individual stocks especially in these foreign countries.