Royal and Imperial Stocks

In this post, lets look at five stocks whose name contain either the word ‘Royal’ or ‘Imperial’: 1.Company: Royal Bank of Canada Ticker: RY Country: Canada Sector: Banking 2.Company: Royal Bank of Scotland Ticker: RBS Country: UK Sector: Banking 3.Company: Imperial Tobacco Group plc Ticker: ITY Country: UK Sector: Consumer Goods 4.Company: Imperial Oil Ltd. …

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Closed-End Funds with more than 10% dividends

In volatile market times, it is a good idea to take little baby steps with investing via closed-end funds. Here are five closed-end funds which have a distribution rate of more than 10%. Funds that trade at a discount are cheaper. 1.ING Global Equity Dividend Premium (IGD) Premium/Discount: -7.69% Distribution Rate: 13.10% 2.Spain Fund (SNF) …

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