India,China stock market bubbles !! Time for a (bubble) bath?

While the US markets are in the dumps for many months now due to the sub-prime mess, the stock markets of China and India are on fire. Last year the Shanghai market doubled and the index in the Bombay Stock Exchange increased by over 45%. Before you jump with both feet into these red hot …

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Canada – Cold Country, Warm stocks – Part II

Part II: There are many ways to invest in Canada. Some of them are discussed below: 1. ETFs 2. Income Trusts 3. Stocks 1. ETFs: This is the easiest and quickest way to get some exposure to Canadian equities. iShares’ Canada ETF – EWC is the best one in the market. It has assets of …

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Canada – Cold Country, Warm stocks – Part I

Canada is often overlooked by many US investors it is so close to us and is not considered a foreign country. However there are decent investment opportunities in Canada. Being close to us, Canada has the most number of stocks listed in the US markets in the foreign country stocks category. If you are looking …

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