The Complete List of Listed Companies on the Swiss Stock Exchange in Switzerland

The Complete List of Listed Companies on the Swiss Stock Exchange in Switzerland as of Jan 1, 2024 are shown below:

13M CompanyMMM.SW USA
2ABB LtdABBN.SW Switzerland
3Abbott LaboratoriesABT.SW USA
4Accelleron Industries AGACLN.SW Switzerland
5Addex Therapeutics LtdADXN.SW Switzerland
6Adecco Group AGADEN.SW Switzerland
7Adval Tech Holding AGADVN.SW Switzerland
9Airesis SAAIRE.SW Switzerland
10Alcon Inc.ALC.SW Switzerland
11Allreal Holding AGALLN.SW Switzerland
12Alpine Select AGALPN.SW Switzerland
13ALSO Holding AGALSN.SW Switzerland
14Aluflexpack AGAFP.SW Switzerland
15ams-OSRAM AGAMS.SW Austria
16Anglo American plcAAM.SW UK
17APG SGA SAAPGN.SW Switzerland
18Arbonia AGARBN.SW Switzerland
19Arundel AGARON.SW Switzerland
20ARYZTA AGARYN.SW Switzerland
21Ascom Holding AGASCN.SW Switzerland
23Autoneum Holding AGAUTN.SW Switzerland
24Avolta AGAVOL.SW Switzerland
25Bachem Holding AGBANB.SW Switzerland
26Baloise Holding AGBALN.SW Switzerland
27Banque Cantonale de GenèveBCGE.SW Switzerland
28Banque Cantonale du Jura SABCJ.SW Switzerland
29Banque Cantonale VaudoiseBCVN.SW Switzerland
30Barry Callebaut AGBARN.SW Switzerland
31Basellandschaftliche KantonalbankBLKB.SW Switzerland
32Basilea Pharmaceutica AG, AllschwilBSLN.SW Switzerland
33Basler KantonalbankBSKP.SW Switzerland
34BB Biotech AGBION.SW Switzerland
35BELIMO Holding AGBEAN.SW Switzerland
36Bell Food Group AGBELL.SW Switzerland
37Bellevue Group AGBBN.SW Switzerland
38Bergbahnen Engelberg-Trübsee-Titlis AGTIBN.SW Switzerland
39Berner Kantonalbank AGBEKN.SW Switzerland
40BKW AGBKW.SW Switzerland
41Bossard Holding AGBOSN.SW Switzerland
42Bucher Industries AGBUCN.SW Switzerland
43Burckhardt Compression Holding AGBCHN.SW Switzerland
44Burkhalter Holding AGBRKN.SW Switzerland
45BVZ Holding AGBVZN.SW Switzerland
46Bystronic AGBYS.SW Switzerland
47Calida Holding AGCALN.SW Switzerland
48Carlo Gavazzi Holding AGGAV.SW Switzerland
49Castle Private Equity AGCPEN.SW Switzerland
50Caterpillar Inc.CAT.SW USA
51Cembra Money Bank AGCMBN.SW Switzerland
52Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AGLISN.SW Switzerland
53Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AGLISP.SW Switzerland
54CI Com SACIE.SW Switzerland
55Cicor Technologies Ltd.CICN.SW Switzerland
56Clariant AGCLN.SW Switzerland
57COLTENE Holding AGCLTN.SW Switzerland
58Comet Holding AGCOTN.SW Switzerland
59Compagnie de Saint-GobainGOB.SW France
60Compagnie Financière Richemont SACFR.SW Switzerland
61Compagnie financière Tradition S.A.CFT.SW Switzerland
62COSMO Pharmaceuticals N.V.COPN.SW Netherlands
63CPH Chemie + Papier Holding AGCPHN.SW Switzerland
64Crealogix Holding AGCLXN.SW Switzerland
65Datacolor AGDCN.SW Switzerland
66Dätwyler Holding AGDAE.SW Switzerland
67DKSH Holding AGDKSH.SW Switzerland
68DocMorris AGDOCM.SW Switzerland
69dormakaba Holding AGDOKA.SW Switzerland
70Dottikon ES Holding AGDESN.SW Switzerland
71Edisun Power Europe AGESUN.SW Switzerland
72EEII AGEEII.SW Switzerland
73EFG International AGEFGN.SW Switzerland
74Eli Lilly and CompanyLLY.SW USA
75Elma Electronic AGELMN.SW Switzerland
76Emmi AGEMMN.SW Switzerland
77Ems-Chemie Holding AGEMSN.SW Switzerland
78Energiedienst Holding AGEDHN.SW Switzerland
79ENR Russia Invest SARUS.SW Switzerland
80EPH European Property Holdings PlcEPH.SW Cyprus
81EPIC Suisse AGEPIC.SW Switzerland
82Evolva Holding SA en liquidationEVE.SW Switzerland
83Fangda Carbon New Material Co.,LtdFDCB.SW China
84Feintool International Holding AGFTON.SW Switzerland
85Flughafen Zürich AGFHZN.SW Switzerland
86Forbo Holding AGFORN.SW Switzerland
87Fundamenta Real Estate AGFREN.SW Switzerland
88Galenica AGGALE.SW Switzerland
89GAM Holding AGGAM.SW Switzerland
90Geberit AGGEBN.SW Switzerland
91GEM Co. Ltd.GEM.SW China
92General Electric Co.GE.SW USA
93Georg Fischer AGGF.SW Switzerland
94Givaudan SAGIVN.SW Switzerland
95Glarner KantonalbankGLKBN.SW Switzerland
96Goodyear Tire & Rubber CompanyGT.SW USA
97Gotion High-Tech Co., Ltd.GOTION.SW China
98Graubündner KantonalbankGRKP.SW Switzerland
99Groupe Minoteries SAGMI.SW Switzerland
100Gurit Holding AGGURN.SW Switzerland
101Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd.GSI.SW China
102HBM Healthcare Investments AGHBMN.SW Switzerland
103Helvetia Holding AGHELN.SW Switzerland
104HIAG Immobilien Holding AGHIAG.SW Switzerland
105Highlight Event and Entertainment AGHLEE.SW Switzerland
106HOCHDORF Holding AGHOCN.SW Switzerland
107Holcim LtdHOLN.SW Switzerland
108Huber+Suhner AGHUBN.SW Switzerland
109Hypothekarbank Lenzburg AGHBLN.SW Switzerland
110Idorsia LtdIDIA.SW Switzerland
111Implenia AGIMPN.SW Switzerland
112Ina Invest Holding AGINA.SW Switzerland
114Interroll Holding AGINRN.SW Switzerland
115Intershop Holding AGISN.SW Switzerland
116Investis Holding SAIREN.SW Switzerland
117IVF HARTMANN Holding AGVBSN.SW Switzerland
118Jiangsu Eastern Shenghong Co., Ltd.DFSH.SW China
119Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.JCARE.SW China
120Julius Bär Gruppe AGBAER.SW Switzerland
121Jungfraubahn Holding AGJFN.SW Switzerland
122Kardex Holding AGKARN.SW Switzerland
123Keda Industrial Group Co., Ltd.KEDA.SW China
124Kinarus Therapeutics Holding AG In LiquidationKNRS.SW Switzerland
125Klingelnberg AGKLIN.SW Switzerland
126Komax Holding AGKOMN.SW Switzerland
127Kudelski S.A.KUD.SW Switzerland
128Kühne + Nagel International AGKNIN.SW Switzerland
129Kunshan Dongwei Technology Co., LtdKUDO.SW China
130Kuros Biosciences Ltd.KURN.SW Switzerland
131Lalique Group SALLQ.SW Switzerland
132Landis+Gyr Group AGLAND.SW Switzerland N.V.LMN.SW NL
134Leclanché S.A.LECN.SW Switzerland
135LEM Holding SALEHN.SW Switzerland
136Leonteq AGLEON.SW Switzerland
137Lepu Medical Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.LEPU.SW China
138Liechtensteinische Landesbank AGLLBN.SW Liechtenstein
139Logitech International S.A.LOGN.SW Switzerland
140Lonza Group AGLONN.SW Switzerland
141Luzerner Kantonalbank AGLUKN.SW Switzerland
142MCH Group AGMCHN.SW Switzerland
143Medacta Group SAMOVE.SW Switzerland
144Medartis Holding AGMED.SW Switzerland
145medmix AGMEDX.SW Switzerland
146Meier Tobler Group AGMTG.SW Switzerland
147Metall Zug AGMETN.SW Switzerland
148Meyer Burger Technology AGMBTN.SW Switzerland
149Mikron Holding AGMIKN.SW Switzerland
150mobilezone holding agMOZN.SW Switzerland
151Mobimo Holding AGMOBN.SW Switzerland
152Molecular Partners AGMOLN.SW Switzerland
153Montana Aerospace AGAERO.SW Switzerland
154NEBAG AGNBEN.SW Switzerland
155Nestlé AGNESN.SW Switzerland
156Newron Pharmaceuticals S.p.A.NWRN.SW Italy
157NIBE Industrier ABNIBEB.SW Sweden
158Ningbo Shanshan Co., Ltd.SSNE.SW China
159Novartis AGNOVN.SW Switzerland
160Novavest Real Estate AGNREN.SW Switzerland
161ObsEva SAOBSN.SW Switzerland
162OC Oerlikon Corporation AGOERL.SW Switzerland
163ONE swiss bank SAONE.SW Switzerland
164Orascom Development Holding AGODHN.SW Switzerland
165Orell Füssli AGOFN.SW Switzerland
166Orior AGORON.SW Switzerland
167Partners Group Holding AGPGHN.SW Switzerland
168Peach Property Group AGPEAN.SW Switzerland
169PepsiCo Inc.PEP.SW USA
170Perrot Duval Holding SAPEDU.SW Switzerland
171Philip Morris International IncPMI.SW USA
172Phoenix Mecano AGPMN.SW Switzerland
173PIERER Mobility AGPKTM.SW Austria
174PLAZZA AGPLAN.SW Switzerland
175PolyPeptide Group AGPPGN.SW Switzerland
176Private Equity Holding AGPEHN.SW Switzerland
177PSP Swiss Property AGPSPN.SW Switzerland
178R&S Group Holding AGRSGN.SW Switzerland
180Rieter Holding AGRIEN.SW Switzerland
181Roche Holding AGROG.SW Switzerland
182Roche Holding AGRO.SW Switzerland
183Romande Energie Holding SAREHN.SW Switzerland
184Sandoz Group AGSDZ.SW Switzerland
185Santhera Pharmaceuticals Holding AGSANN.SW Switzerland
186Schaffner Holding AGSAHN.SW Switzerland
187Schindler Holding AGSCHP.SW Switzerland
188Schindler Holding AGSCHN.SW Switzerland
189Schlatter Industries AGSTRN.SW Switzerland
190Schweiter Technologies AGSWTQ.SW Switzerland
191Schweizerische NationalbankSNBN.SW Switzerland
192Scor SESCR.SW France
193Sensirion Holding AGSENS.SW Switzerland
194SF Urban Properties AGSFPN.SW Switzerland
195SFS Group AGSFSN.SW Switzerland
196SGS AGSGSN.SW Switzerland
197Shenzhen Senior Technology Material Co., Ltd.SENIOR.SW China
198SHL Telemedicine Ltd.SHLTN.SW Israel
199Siegfried Holding AGSFZN.SW Switzerland
200SIG Group LtdSIGN.SW Switzerland
201Sika AGSIKA.SW Switzerland
202SKAN Group AGSKAN.SW Switzerland
203Sociedad Comercial del Plata SACADN.SW Argentina
204SoftwareONE Holding AGSWON.SW Switzerland
205Sonova Holding AGSOON.SW Switzerland
206Spexis Ltd.SPEX.SW Switzerland
207St.Galler Kantonalbank AGSGKN.SW Switzerland
208Stadler Rail AGSRAIL.SW Switzerland
209StarragTornos Group AGSTGN.SW Switzerland
210Straumann Holding AGSTMN.SW Switzerland
211Sulzer AGSUN.SW Switzerland
212Sunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd.SWD.SW China
213SUPCON Technology Co., LtdSUPCON.SW China
214Swiss Life Holding AGSLHN.SW Switzerland
215Swiss Prime Site AGSPSN.SW Switzerland
216Swiss Re AGSREN.SW Switzerland
217Swiss Steel Holding AGSTLN.SW Switzerland
218Swisscom AGSCMN.SW Switzerland
219Swissquote Group Holding LtdSQN.SW Switzerland
220Talenthouse AGTHAG.SW Switzerland
221Tecan Group AGTECN.SW Switzerland
222TEMENOS AGTEMN.SW Switzerland
223The Swatch Group AGUHRN.SW Switzerland
224The Swatch Group AGUHR.SW Switzerland
225Thurgauer KantonalbankTKBP.SW Switzerland
226TX Group AGTXGN.SW Switzerland
227u-blox Holding AGUBXN.SW Switzerland
228UBS Group AGUBSG.SW Switzerland
229Unisys CorporationUIS.SW USA
230Valartis Group AGVLRT.SW Switzerland
231Valiant Holding AGVATN.SW Switzerland
232Varia US Properties AGVARN.SW Switzerland
233VAT Group AGVACN.SW Switzerland
234Vaudoise Assurances Holding SAVAHN.SW Switzerland
235Vetropack Holding AGVETN.SW Switzerland
236Villars Holding S.A.VILN.SW Switzerland
237Von Roll Holding AGROL.SW Switzerland
238Vontobel Holding AGVONN.SW Switzerland
239VP Bank AGVPBN.SW Liechtenstein
240VZ Holding AGVZN.SW Switzerland
241V-ZUG Holding AGVZUG.SW Switzerland
242Walliser KantonalbankWKBN.SW Switzerland
243Warteck Invest AGWARN.SW Switzerland
244Will Semiconductor Co., Ltd. ShanghaiWILL.SW China
245WISeKey International Holding LtdWIHN.SW Switzerland
246Xlife Sciences AGXLS.SW Switzerland
247Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.YJET.SW China
248Youngtimers AGYTME.SW Switzerland
249Ypsomed Holding AGYPSN.SW Switzerland
250Zehnder Group AGZEHN.SW Switzerland
251Zhejiang HangKe Technology Incorporated CompanyZHT.SW China
252Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co., Ltd.HUAYO.SW China
253Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc.ZBH.SW USA
254Züblin Immobilien Holding AGZUBN.SW Switzerland
255Zug Estates Holding AGZUGN.SW Switzerland
256Zuger Kantonalbank AGZUGER.SW Switzerland
257Zurich Insurance Group AGZURN.SW Switzerland
258Zwahlen & Mayr SAZWM.SW Switzerland

Source: Swiss Stock Exchange

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