Infographic: Coke and Diet Coke – The Fact and The Fiction

There are plenty of myths surrounding Coke(KO), the once great popular soda. Many of them are simply not true. The following infographic shows some of the facts and fictions about Coke and Diet Coke. For instance, a can of Coke contains about 9-10 teaspoons of sugar which is a lot. No wonder Coke and competitor Pepsi(PEP) are dying brands and the craze for these drinks has declined sharply among American consumers.

Click to enlarge

Source: Compound Chem

Disclosure: No Positions

The Top 10 Global Brands in Home Appliances by Revenue: Chart

The following chart shows The Top 10 Global Brands in Home Appliances by Revenue. Chinese brand Midea is the world’s number one brand. The other Chinese brands in this ranking are Haier and Gree which are ranked the fifth and sixth. While foreign brands used to dominate the domestic market China, that is no longer the case. Nowadays Chinese brands not only dominate the local market but also have become major global players as well fiercely competing against established brands.

Click to enlarge

Source: China Brands Muscle MNCs Out of Home Turf by Grace Yan, Nikko AM

The only US brand in the list is Whirlpool.