The Complete List of Listed Companies on the Papua New Guinea Port Moresby Stock Exchange (POMSoX)

The Complete List of Listed Companies on the Papua New Guinea Port Moresby Stock Exchange (POMSoX) as of Jan 1, 2024 are listed below:

No.Company Name PNGX CodeDate ListedIndustry Group
1Bank South Pacific LimitedBSP27/08/2003Banking and Finance
2City Pharmarcy LimitedCPL20/02/2002Industrial
3Coppermoly LimitedCOY22/10/2008Mining and Exploration
4Credit Corporation (PNG) LimitedCCP24/08/2000Finance
5Kina Asset Management LimitedKAM7/7/2008Investment
6Kina Securities LimitedKSL29/07/2015Banking and Finance
7New Guinea Islands Produce LimitedNGP25/08/2009Agriculture and Industrial
8Newcrest Mining LimitedNCM22/09/2010Mining and Exploration
9Newmont CorporationNEM26/10/2023Mining and Exploration
10Niuminco Group LimitedNIU29/10/2013Mining and Exploration
11PNG Air LimitedCGA25/06/2008Aviation
12Santos LimitedSTO13/12/2021Oil and Gas
13Steamships Trading Company LimitedSST6/4/1999Industrial

Data Source: PNG Stock Exchange

Download Complete List of Listed Companies on the Papua New Guinea Port Moresby Stock Exchange in Excel:

Related Links:

1. Port Moresby Stock Exchange  (Direct Exchange Site)

2.Port Moresby Stock Exchange  (Wikipedia)

Back to Listed Companies Lists


  1. Hi Dear!
    My name is Robert Waligiya and I am just wondering if I have shares with Airlines PNG CGA.
    Therefore, can you advise me of the amount of shares I have with CGA.
    Robert Waligiya.

  2. Hi There,

    My dad bought some shares with lihir gold when it was floated in 1995. He bought two different sets shares with different shareholders reference number (srn).

    He was getting two different sets of dividends for his shares.

    He later found out that what he was expecting from his two sets of shares did not materialised as expected.

    What he wants to know now is what happened to his shares? He hasn’t been paid his dividends.

    Can somebody explain why this is happening?

    Kind regards

    Hoskins David

  3. David
    Contact your broker and find out why they did not credit Newcrest Mining shares in your dad’s account. You should be getting dividends from that company. Newcrest Mining took over Lihir in 2010 and Lihir shares stopped trading in Aug 2010. Here is the source:

    “Lihir Gold Limited was a gold mining company with operations in Papua New Guinea, Australia and West Africa.

    The company, incorporated in Papua New Guinea in June 1995, and named Lihir as its first project was to raise capital to build the Lihir Island gold mine was merged with Newcrest Mining at the end of August 2010 (last day for trading of Lihir Gold shares was August 30, 2010).[1] Australian economist Ross Garnaut served as Lihir’s chairman from 1995 to 2010.[2][3]

    Merger talks were first made known in April 2010, with an announcement by Newcrest Mining. On Monday August 23, 2010 the A$9.5 billion takeover offer by Newcrest Mining was approved after 99.86% of Lihir Gold Shareholders voted in favour of it.[4] The takeover received national court of Papua New Guinea approval on August 28, 2010.[5]”

    Lihir Gold, Wikipedia

  4. Hi,

    Kindly provide information or application form applying for shared in these respective companies.

    Thanks much indeed


  5. Hi

    I bought shares with with Highlands Pacific Limited back in November 2008 and up till today i have not received any form of updates regarding my shares.

    I bought the shares through Kina Securities.

    Please advise!

  6. Thanks for your comment.
    Contact Kina Securities or Highlands Pacific’s Investor Relation department for help with your shares.
    They should be able to offer help. Good luck !

  7. Do we need an agent (company) to represent a land owner company to invest in the Government inscribe stock.Do we need to have a written agreement with that agent before their engagement?

  8. Hello,
    I work for Newcrest mining Lihir and intend to buy shares from the company. Where would I start enquiring for info and application?

  9. Paul
    You can contact a broker in your country who can help you with the paperwork. Or contact Newcrest mining and ask them how to invest in their shares. They will provide you help as well.
    Good Luck !

  10. IDC shares on EMTV footage shows 0.15 whilst the daily newspaper the National says Suspended so which one is correct.

    Please advice.
    Marapa Laro

  11. Hi,

    My dad bought some shares in one or two companies, however, he never furnished information before he passed on. How will i check if he still has shares in the companies?

  12. You can contact the broker directly if you can find some statements. Or if you know the company names contact their investor relations department. Without any info like the name of the company or a broker statement it is not possible to figure out what he owned.Sorry about that.

    Good luck searching!

  13. Please contact a broker in your country.Go to the stock exchange site to find one or contact your bank. Hope this helps.

  14. You have to contact a broker in your country.Please go the stock exchange site and find a broker or contact your bank.

  15. I bought shares with Marengo and it was delisted from Pomsox and was transfered to a Canadian Market stock exchange. Will I still be receiving dividends and also want to know my statements

  16. You should receive dividends if you received stocks of the new Canadian company. Check with your broker or contact the investor relations depart of the new company. You should receive statements from your broker.


  17. Pls direct me to someone to help me clearly understand the basics of buying and selling shares in a stock market


  18. Please contact a bank or broker in PNG. Google stock brokers or contact the stock exchange. They should be able to help. Thx.

  19. Sir I have brought a number of shares with mineral corporation sometimes ago. Now I see that this company is no longer on the list ..I’m lost here..pls need some advise or assistance….. Ta Moses Lombil

  20. Moses
    Sorry to hear that. Since the company is no longer listed you can contact the exchange or a broker to find out what happened to it. It may have merged or went bankrupt. Only a broker or the stock exchange can help with your issue. Contact the exchange on the link shown above.


  21. is it okay we use brokers like scottrade,tradeking and so forth to buy stocks in png stock markets or do we have our own types of brokers in png which we need to use?

  22. You can buy PNG stocks if Scottrade and others allow you to do that. Otherwise you have to go to the brokers in PNG. Contact the PNg exchange to see which brokers are registered there or check with your bank. Hope this helps.


  23. Hi there,

    I really would like to buy shares with any of the company above,can anyone advice me on how to go about purchasing the shares please ?

  24. My wife bought a share with the smt system(stock market trading and investment trustee).We’ve been in touch with a stock broker for some months but his phone went off for good.Now we are lost.Can you help us please?Does this SMT System really exist?Is Paul Kamakande really a stock broker?Your help will be highly appreciated.Thanks.

  25. Danny
    Unfortunately I am unable to answer your question directly.Please contact a bank or the exchange directly and see if they can help.

    Good luck

  26. Do we have any PNG listed company in POMSox share market that allows
    Direct Stock Purchase Plan (DSPP) ?
    if yes ,than which of the above .?

  27. George
    Unfortunately I do not know if any PNG-listed company offers DSPP. Please contact the exchange or do some research online.

  28. I am interested in buying a share with one of the company listed in the stock exchange.
    How do i go about learning about the company and finding out about its shares?
    May you please clarify, thank you.

  29. Hello, I’m Marry,my dad bought some shares with Kina Securities Ltd some years ago,but were unable to get the updates.How, is he going to have his dividend? Please advise is needed..

  30. Mary
    Please contact the exchange about any updates on Kina or directly contact the investor relations at the company. They should be able to help you get the dividend.

  31. Hello, I’m Sam, my father brought some shares from oil search some years back when they floated it, but unfortunately he lost his certificate during the bougainville crisis. Anybody can help me on how to go about from here?

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