The Complete List of Bond Equity ETFs Trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange are listed below:
S.No. | ETF Name | Ticker | Bonf Fund |
3 | AMUNDI ETF EURO CORPORATES ( C ) | 18MT.F | Corporate bonds |
4 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Liquid Corporate 100 | XB4F.F | Corporate bonds |
5 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Liquid Corporate 100 | XB4N.F | Corporate bonds |
6 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Liquid Corporate 100 T | D5BG.F | Corporate bonds |
7 | ETFlab iBoxx Liquid Corporates Diversified | EL49.F | Corporate bonds |
8 | ETFlab iBoxx Liquid Non-Financials Diversif | EFQ8.F | Corporate bonds |
9 | iShares Barclays Capital EURO Corpor | EUNT.F | Corporate bonds |
10 | iShares Barclays Capital EURO Corporate Bo | EUN5.F | Corporate bonds |
11 | iShares Barclays Capital EURO Corporate Bo | EUNR.F | Corporate bonds |
12 | iShares Barclays Capital EURO Corporate Bo | EUNS.F | Corporate bonds |
13 | iShares Markit iBoxx $ Corporate Bond | IBCD.F | Corporate bonds |
14 | iShares Markit iBoxx $ High Yield Capped Bo | IS0R.F | Corporate bonds |
15 | iShares Markit iBoxx EURO Corporate Bond | IBCS.F | Corporate bonds |
16 | iShares Markit iBoxx Euro High Yield Bond | EUNW.F | Corporate bonds |
17 | iShares Morningstar $ Emerging Markets | IS0Q.F | Corporate bonds |
18 | Lyxor ETF EURO Corporate Bond | LYQJ.F | Corporate bonds |
19 | Lyxor ETF EURO Corporate Bond ex Financials | LYPJ.F | Corporate bonds |
20 | Lyxor ETF iBoxx Liquid High Yield 30 | LYQY.F | Corporate bonds |
21 | SPDR Barclays Capital Euro Corporate Bond | SYBC.F | Corporate bonds |
22 | SPDR Barclays Capital Euro High Yield Bond | SYBJ.F | Corporate bonds |
23 | SPDR Barclays Capital Sterling Corporate | SYBS.F | Corporate bonds |
24 | UBS-ETF Markit iBoxx EUR Liquid Corporates | UEFR.F | Corporate bonds |
25 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Germany Covered | C541.F | Coverred bonds |
26 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Germany Covered | C542.F | Coverred bonds |
27 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Germany Covered | C543.F | Coverred bonds |
28 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Germany Covered | C540.F | Coverred bonds |
29 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Germany Covered TR | DXSW.F | Coverred bonds |
30 | ETFlab iBoxx EUR Liquid Germany Covered | EL48.F | Coverred bonds |
31 | iShares eb.rexx Jumbo Pfandbriefe (DE) | EXHE.F | Coverred bonds |
32 | iShares Markit iBoxx EURO Covered Bond | IUS6.F | Coverred bonds |
33 | Lyxor ETF EuroMTS Covered Bond Aggregate | LRX2.F | Coverred bonds |
34 | db x-trackers II iTraxx Crossover 5-year 2x Dai | XCBA.F | Credit derivatives |
35 | db x-trackers II iTraxx Crossover 5-year 2x Sh | XCBB.F | Credit derivatives |
36 | db x-trackers II iTraxx Crossover 5-year Short | DXST.F | Credit derivatives |
37 | db x-trackers II iTraxx Crossover 5-year TR In | DBXM.F | Credit derivatives |
38 | db x-trackers II iTraxx Europe 5-year 2x Daily | XELL.F | Credit derivatives |
39 | db x-trackers II iTraxx Europe 5-year 2x Short | XELS.F | Credit derivatives |
40 | db x-trackers II iTraxx Europe 5-year Short Dail | DXSR.F | Credit derivatives |
41 | db x-trackers II iTraxx Europe 5-year TR Index | DXSQ.F | Credit derivatives |
42 | db x-trackers II iTraxx Europe Senior Financ | DBZG.F | Credit derivatives |
43 | db x-trackers II iTraxx Europe Senior Financ | DBZD.F | Credit derivatives |
44 | db x-trackers II iTraxx Europe Subordinated | DBZH.F | Credit derivatives |
45 | db x-trackers II iTraxx Europe Subordinated | DBZE.F | Credit derivatives |
46 | db x-trackers II iTraxx HiVol 5-year Short TR | DXSS.F | Credit derivatives |
47 | db x-trackers II iTraxx HiVol 5-year TR Index | DBXL.F | Credit derivatives |
48 | AMUNDI ETF GOVT BOND EUROMTS BRO | 18MV.F | Government bonds |
49 | AMUNDI ETF GOVT BOND EUROMTS BRO | 18MW.F | Government bonds |
50 | AMUNDI ETF GOVT BOND EUROMTS BRO | 18MX.F | Government bonds |
51 | AMUNDI ETF GOVT BOND EUROMTS BRO | 18MY.F | Government bonds |
52 | AMUNDI ETF GOVT BOND EUROMTS BRO | 18MZ.F | Government bonds |
53 | AMUNDI ETF GOVT BOND EUROMTS BRO | 18M0.F | Government bonds |
54 | AMUNDI ETF GOVT BOND HIGHEST RATE | DE5A.F | Government bonds |
55 | AMUNDI ETF GOVT BOND LOWEST RATED | KX1G.F | Government bonds |
56 | AMUNDI ETF SHORT GOVT BOND EUROM | 540P.F | Government bonds |
57 | AMUNDI ETF SHORT GOVT BOND EUROM | 540Q.F | Government bonds |
58 | AMUNDI ETF SHORT GOVT BOND EUROMT | 540R.F | Government bonds |
59 | AMUNDI ETF SHORT GOVT BOND EUROM | 540S.F | Government bonds |
60 | AMUNDI ETF SHORT GOVT BOND EUROMT | 540T.F | Government bonds |
61 | AMUNDI ETF SHORT GOVT BOND EUROMT | 540U.F | Government bonds |
62 | ComStage ETF Commerzbank Bund-Future | 5X63.F | Government bonds |
63 | ComStage ETF Commerzbank Bund-Future | 5X61.F | Government bonds |
64 | ComStage ETF Commerzbank Bund-Future Sh | 5X62.F | Government bonds |
65 | ComStage ETF Commerzbank Bund-Future TR | 5X60.F | Government bonds |
66 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns | X507.F | Government bonds |
67 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns | X502.F | Government bonds |
68 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns | X508.F | Government bonds |
69 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns | X509.F | Government bonds |
70 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns | X503.F | Government bonds |
71 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns | X501.F | Government bonds |
72 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns | X504.F | Government bonds |
73 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns | X505.F | Government bonds |
74 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns | X500.F | Government bonds |
75 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Sovereigns Germany | 8523.F | Government bonds |
76 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Sovereigns Germany | 8521.F | Government bonds |
77 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Sovereigns Germany | 8520.F | Government bonds |
78 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Sovereigns Germany | 8522.F | Government bonds |
79 | CS ETF (IE) on iBoxx EUR Govt 1-3 | SXRN.F | Government bonds |
80 | CS ETF (IE) on iBoxx EUR Govt 3-7 | SXRP.F | Government bonds |
81 | CS ETF (IE) on iBoxx EUR Govt 7-10 | SXRQ.F | Government bonds |
82 | CS ETF (IE) on iBoxx USD Govt 1-3 | SXRK.F | Government bonds |
83 | CS ETF (IE) on iBoxx USD Govt 3-7 | SXRL.F | Government bonds |
84 | CS ETF (IE) on iBoxx USD Govt 7-10 | SXRM.F | Government bonds |
85 | db x-trackers II Emerging Markets Liquid Euro | DXSU.F | Government bonds |
86 | db x-trackers II Eurozone Sovereigns Double | XDLE.F | Government bonds |
87 | db x-trackers II Eurozone Sovereigns Double | XDXE.F | Government bonds |
88 | db x-trackers II Global Sovereign Index ETF | DBZB.F | Government bonds |
89 | db x-trackers II Global Sovereign Index ETF | XGVD.F | Government bonds |
90 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Germany 1-3 TR Index | D5BC.F | Government bonds |
91 | db x-trackers II iBOXX Germany 3-5 TRI | XGN5.F | Government bonds |
92 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Germany 7-10 TRI | XG71.F | Government bonds |
93 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Germany Covered 1-3 | X03A.F | Government bonds |
94 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Germany Total Return | X03G.F | Government bonds |
95 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Germany TR | D5BB.F | Government bonds |
96 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Sovereigns Eurozone | DBXC.F | Government bonds |
97 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Sovereigns Eurozone | X03B.F | Government bonds |
98 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Sovereigns Eurozone | DBXP.F | Government bonds |
99 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Sovereigns Eurozone | DBXF.F | Government bonds |
100 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Sovereigns Eurozone | DBXG.F | Government bonds |
101 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Sovereigns Eurozone | X03C.F | Government bonds |
102 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Sovereigns Eurozone | DBXQ.F | Government bonds |
103 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Sovereigns Eurozone | DBXR.F | Government bonds |
104 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Sovereigns Eurozone | DBXB.F | Government bonds |
105 | db x-trackers II iBOXX Sovereigns Euro | XAXA.F | Government bonds |
106 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Sovereigns Eurozone | XBAT.F | Government bonds |
107 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Sov Eurozone T | X03F.F | Government bonds |
108 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Sov Eurozone | DBXN.F | Government bonds |
109 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Sovereigns Eurozone Y | XY4P.F | Government bonds |
110 | db x-trackers II MTS Ex-Bank of Italy Aggreg | XBO3.F | Government bonds |
111 | db x-trackers II MTS Ex-Bank of Italy BOT | XBO2.F | Government bonds |
112 | db x-trackers II MTS Ex-Bank of Italy BTP | XBO1.F | Government bonds |
113 | db x-trackers II Short iBoxx Sovereigns Eur | DXSV.F | Government bonds |
114 | ETFLab Deutsche Börse EUROGOV France | EFQ2.F | Government bonds |
115 | ETFLab Deutsche Börse EUROGOV France | EFQ9.F | Government bonds |
116 | ETFLab Deutsche Börse EUROGOV France | EFQ0.F | Government bonds |
117 | ETFLab Deutsche Börse EUROGOV France | EFQ1.F | Government bonds |
118 | ETFlab Deutsche Börse EuroGOV® Ger | EL4R.F | Government bonds |
119 | ETFlab Deutsche Börse EuroGOV® Ger | EL4V.F | Government bonds |
120 | ETFlab Deutsche Börse EuroGOV® Ger | EL4S.F | Government bonds |
121 | ETFlab Deutsche Börse EuroGOV® Ger | EL4T.F | Government bonds |
122 | ETFlab Deutsche Börse EuroGOV® Ger | EL4U.F | Government bonds |
123 | ETFlab iBoxx Liquid Sovereign Diversified 10 | EL4Q.F | Government bonds |
124 | ETFlab iBoxx Liquid Sovereign Diversified 1- | EL4K.F | Government bonds |
125 | ETFlab iBoxx Liquid Sovereign Diversified 1- | EL4L.F | Government bonds |
126 | ETFlab iBoxx Liquid Sovereign Diversified 3- | EL4M.F | Government bonds |
127 | ETFlab iBoxx Liquid Sovereign Diversified 5- | EL4N.F | Government bonds |
128 | ETFlab iBoxx Liquid Sovereign Diversified 7-1 | EL4P.F | Government bonds |
129 | iShares Barclays Austria Treasury Bond | IS0H.F | Government bonds |
130 | iShares Barclays Belgium Treasury Bond | IS0I.F | Government bonds |
131 | iShares Barclays Capital $ Treasury Bond 7 | IUSM.F | Government bonds |
132 | iShares Barclays Capital EM Asia Local Govt | IS0S.F | Government bonds |
133 | iShares Barclays Capital Emerging Market | IUSP.F | Government bonds |
134 | iShares Barclays Capital EURO Government | EUN8.F | Government bonds |
135 | iShares Barclays Capital EURO Government | IBCL.F | Government bonds |
136 | iShares Barclays Capital EURO Government | IBCN.F | Government bonds |
137 | iShares Barclays Capital EURO Government | EUN9.F | Government bonds |
138 | iShares Barclays Capital EURO Government | IBCM.F | Government bonds |
139 | iShares Barclays Capital Euro Treasury Bond | EUNH.F | Government bonds |
140 | iShares Barclays Capital EURO Treasury Bond | EUN6.F | Government bonds |
141 | iShares Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond | EUNX.F | Government bonds |
142 | Shares Barclays Finland Treasury Bond | IS0J.F | Government bonds |
143 | iShares Barclays France Treasury Bond | IS0K.F | Government bonds |
144 | iShares Barclays Germany Treasury Bond | IS0L.F | Government bonds |
145 | iShares Barclays Italy Treasury Bond | IS0M.F | Government bonds |
146 | iShares Barclays Netherlands Treasury Bond | IS0N.F | Government bonds |
147 | iShares Barclays Spain Treasury Bond | IS0P.F | Government bonds |
148 | iShares Capital Barclays $ Treasury Bond 1-3 | IUSU.F | Government bonds |
149 | iShares Capital Barclays EURO Government B | IBCA.F | Government bonds |
150 | iShares Citigroup Global Government Bond ET | EUN3.F | Government bonds |
151 | iShares eb.rexx Government Germany (DE) | EXHA.F | Government bonds |
152 | iShares eb.rexx Government Germany 1,5-2,5 | EXHB.F | Government bonds |
153 | iShares eb.rexx Government Germany 10,5+ | EXX6.F | Government bonds |
154 | iShares eb.rexx Government Germany 2,5-5,5 | EXHC.F | Government bonds |
155 | iShares eb.rexx Government Germany 5,5-10,5 | EXHD.F | Government bonds |
156 | iShares JPMorgan $ Emerging Markets Bond | IUS7.F | Government bonds |
157 | iShares Markit iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns Capp | EXHF.F | Government bonds |
158 | iShares Markit iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns Capp | EXHG.F | Government bonds |
159 | iShares Markit iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns Capp | EXHK.F | Government bonds |
160 | iShares Markit iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns Capp | EXHH.F | Government bonds |
161 | iShares Markit iBoxx Liquid Sovereigns Capp | EXHJ.F | Government bonds |
162 | Lyxor ETF Daily Double Short Bund | LYQK.F | Government bonds |
163 | Lyxor ETF Daily Leveraged Bund | LYMI.F | Government bonds |
164 | LYXOR ETF EuroMTS 10-15Y Investment Grad | LYQ6.F | Government bonds |
165 | LYXOR ETF EuroMTS 1-3Y Investment Grade | LYQ2.F | Government bonds |
166 | LYXOR ETF EuroMTS 15+Y Investment Grade | LRX1.F | Government bonds |
167 | LYXOR ETF EuroMTS 3-5Y Investment Grade | LYQ3.F | Government bonds |
168 | LYXOR ETF EuroMTS 5-7Y Investment Grade | LYM5.F | Government bonds |
169 | LYXOR ETF EuroMTS 7-10Y Investment Grade | LYM6.F | Government bonds |
170 | Lyxor ETF EuroMTS AAA Government Bond | LYPK.F | Government bonds |
171 | Lyxor ETF EUROMTS AAA Macro Weighted | LYS4.F | Government bonds |
172 | Lyxor ETF EUROMTS AAA Macro Weighted | LYS5.F | Government bonds |
173 | Lyxor ETF EUROMTS AAA Macro Weighted | LYS6.F | Government bonds |
174 | LYXOR ETF EuroMTS Global Investment Grad | LYQ1.F | Government bonds |
175 | Lyxor ETF iBoxx $ Liquid Emerging Markets | LYQS.F | Government bonds |
176 | PIMCO European Advantage Government Bon | PJS2.F | Government bonds |
177 | PIMCO German Government Bond Index Sour | BUND.F | Government bonds |
178 | SPDR Barclays Capital 1-3 Year Euro Govern | SYB3.F | Government bonds |
179 | SPDR Barclays Capital 1-5 Year Gilt ETF | SYB5.F | Government bonds |
180 | SPDR Barclays Capital 15+ Year Gilt ETF | SYBL.F | Government bonds |
181 | SPDR Barclays Capital Emerging Market Loc | SYBM.F | Government bonds |
182 | SPDR Barclays Capital Euro Government Bo | SYBB.F | Government bonds |
183 | SPDR Barclays Capital UK Gilt ETF | SYBG.F | Government bonds |
184 | SPDR Barclays Capital US Treasury Bond ETF | SYBT.F | Government bonds |
185 | SPDR Citi Asia Local Government Bond ETF | SYBX.F | Government bonds |
186 | UBS-ETF Barclays Capital US 1-3 Year Treasu | UEFF.F | Government bonds |
187 | UBS-ETF Barclays Capital US 3-5 Year Treasu | UEFG.F | Government bonds |
188 | UBS-ETF Barclays Capital US 5-7 Year Treasu | UEFH.F | Government bonds |
189 | UBS-ETF Barclays Capital US 7-10 Year Treas | UEFI.F | Government bonds |
190 | UBS-ETF Markit iBoxx EUR Germany 1-3 A | UEFL.F | Government bonds |
191 | UBS-ETF Markit iBoxx EUR Germany 3-5 A | UEFM.F | Government bonds |
192 | UBS-ETF Markit iBoxx EUR Germany 5-10 A | UEFN.F | Government bonds |
193 | UBS-ETF Markit iBoxx EUR Germany 7-10 A | UEFP.F | Government bonds |
194 | AMUNDI ETF EURO INFLATION ( C ) | 18MU.F | Inflation-linked bonds |
195 | ComStage ETF iBoxx Sovereigns Inflation-Li | 8530.F | Inflation-linked bonds |
196 | CS ETF (IE) on iBoxx EUR Inflation Linked | SXRS.F | Inflation-linked bonds |
197 | CS ETF (IE) on iBoxx USD Inflation Linked | SXRR.F | Inflation-linked bonds |
198 | db x-trackers II iBoxx Inflation-Linked TR Ind |