6 British Dividend Stocks To Buy Now

The payout ratio is one important factor to consider in addition to the yield when selecting dividend stocks. Higher payout ratios indicate management’s willingness to distribute more of the profits as dividends to shareholders. The following 6 British ADRs pay more than 5% dividends and their payout ratio is more than 50%: 1.Company: BP Plc …

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Should investors avoid Britain?

In the April monthly note, PIMCO’s Bill Gross states that Britain risks facing a vicious cycle of rising debt costs as investors demand a penalty fee on gilts to protect against inflation. Along with Greece and other Eurozone’s Club Med countries UK is on PIMCO’s “must-avoid” countries. From a recent article: “The flood of British …

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Top 10 Holdings of one of UK’s Most Popular Funds

The Invesco Perpetual High Income Fund is one of the largest and most popular unit trust (mutual fund) in the U.K. The fund aims to achieve high level of income in addition to capital growth. This fund invests mostly in UK-based companies with the rest invested globally. At the end of November, 2009 it has …

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Daily Wisdom: Is Britain Bankrupt? Edition

Bank declares recession over Bank of Canada forecasting economic growth of 1.3 per cent on an annualized basis in the third quarter Commodities investing is back in fashion Expect volatility to remain a key factor in prices throughout the rest of the year, says Deutsche’s Asia head of commodities, but look for growth in the …

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Three British Utility ADRs

Four utility companies from UK trade on the US exchanges. Three of them are listed below with their current yields. 1.National Grid Plc (NGG) Dividend Yield: 3.56% 2. Scottish and Southern Energy Inc (OTC: SSEZY) Dividend Yield: 8.10% 3.United Utilities Group plc (OTC :UUGRY) Dividend Yield: 3.40%