Foreign Bank ADRs Trading on the OTC Markets Offer Investment Opportunities

Some of the large foreign banks are listed as sponsored ADRs on the OTC markets. Though their trading volume is low on a daily basis and are not followed by many analysts, investors can find a few investment opportunities in them. For example, two of the large French banks Societe Generale(OTC:SCGLY) and BNP Paribas(OTC: BNPQY) …

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The Top 50 Financial Trans-National Companies by Geographical Spread Index

The United Nations Conference on Trade And Development (UNCTAD) publishes the World Investment Report each year. This year’s report contains the top 50 multi-national financial companies based on the Geographical Spread Index (GSI).  The GSI is “calculated as the square root of the Internationalization Index multiplied by the number of host countries. The”Internationalization Index”, is …

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The Top 10 Banks of Emerging & Frontier Markets

As the year 2009 is coming to a close, we shall take a quick look at the Top 10 Banks by Assets of Asia, Latin America, Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa. The banks below are ranked by assets as of the dates shown. 1.Asia 2.Latin America Note: Itau and Unibanco have merged …

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