Are Mega Cap Tech Stocks Today’s Best Value Stocks?

Value stocks have outperformed growth stocks so far this year. Value stocks are generally considered “cheap” and are good value for the money. Hence as the US economy is in recovery mode value stocks have roared back from the depths of last year’s pandemic nightmare. While there hundreds of value stocks in the US market, …

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A Review of the Biggest Four Publicly Traded European Luxury Companies

The multi-billion dollar luxury goods business is dominated by European companies. Luxury makers survived the pandemic last year better than other retailers and are emerging stronger this year. While in the past developed countries mostly were the market for luxury products that is no longer the case. China and other emerging markets are a huge …

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S&P 500 Total Return vs. Price Return: Chart

Dividends are important factor to consider to boost return with equity investments. I have written many times before in this blog that dividends provide a cushion to a well-diversified portfolio during adverse market conditions and help increase the total return of an investment. To put it another way, buying dividend-paying stocks and then reinvesting the …

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