How Trains Help Make Cars: Infographic

An automobile is made up of over 30,000 parts. Railroads play an important role in the building of cars. Railroads transport raw materials such as metals, plastic and glass to factories that produce auto parts. Then railroads again help move the parts to manufacturers who assemble them into cars. After that railroads transport the finished …

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The Evolution of the U.S. Railroad Industry: Infographic

The railroad industry in the U.S. is a multi-billion industry and the backbone of the economy. Despite the inter-state highway system and the air fright sector the importance of the railroad for the nation’s economy cannot be understated. Below are some of the fascinating facts of the railroad industry: Unlike many other countries the freight …

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Comparing the Returns of Railroad Stocks Year-to-Date

North American railroad stocks have performed very well so far this year. While the S&P 500 is up around 21% year-to-date, most of Class I railroads, with the exception of CSX, have shot up by over 26%. Canadian Pacific(CP) is the best of the group and has grown by over 34%. One reason CSX is …

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