Invest in Latin America For Superior Returns

The S&P 500 is up 12.8% year-to-date(YTD). Compared to the performance of the US equity market, Latin America markets have been mixed so far this year. For example, Brazil’s Bovespa is up 3.1%, Chile’s Santiago IPSA is off 14.5% and Mexico’s IPC All-Share is up 15.4%. Traditionally the U.S. has long considered Latin America as its own …

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US Sector Periodic Table of Returns 2001 To 2011

The Periodic Table of Investment Returns for the nine S&P sectors is shown in the chart below: Click to enlarge     Source: SPDR Here are a few observations: At the height of the global financial crisis in 2008, financials fell over 55% while consumer staples fell only about 15%. Utilities fell by 23% and …

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Comparing Equity Mutual Funds’ Performance in US and Europe

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are becoming more popular with investors than mutual funds in recent years. In order to meet the increasing demand ETF providers have sliced and diced the market in as many ways as possible and continue to add new ETFs to their offerings. From a recent article in  The Journal Report of …

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The Five Best and Worst Performing Foreign Banks YTD

Some of the emerging equity markets are performing well this year when compared to developed markets. Among the BRIC countries, India is the top performing market so year-to-date (YTD). Despite a growing economy, Brazil is lagging relative to other emerging countries due to political interference in certain sectors of the economy. Argentina is also under-performing …

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