Two Surprising Facts About U.S. Mutual Funds

Some investors prefer to invest via mutual funds than individual stocks or ETFs. As with any asset type, though mutual funds have their advantages there also disadvantages. The first is most funds that exist at the time of investment won’t exist after 20 years. This makes them less than attractive for long-term investment. According to …

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Number of Mutual Funds by Country

The mutual funds industry is a big business globally. In the developed countries it is especially large due to the amount of investment capital available. Billions of dollars are run by fund managers on behalf of their investors. Since billions of dollars of fees are at stake, fund companies offer a variety of funds based …

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On the Growth of Mutual Funds in the US

The mutual funds industry in the US is a multi-trillion dollar industry.At the end of 2014, the industry managed assets of about $16.0 Trillion up from just over $1.0 Trillion in 1990. The growth in assets under management over the years has also led to a fierce competition with a multitude of players entering the …

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A Review of the Invesco Perpetual High Income Fund

The Invesco Perpetual High Income Fund is one of the largest unit trusts (or mutual fund) in UK with an asset base of about £11.0 billion . The fund aims to achieve a level of high income together with capital growth. The fund invests most of the assets in UK-listed companies with the remaining in …

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