Knowledge is Power: Successful Investor Habits, World’s Safest Banks 2016, US Stock Valuation Edition

For US Investors – Year-End Tax Tips for 2016 (Schwab) Six habits of successful investors (Fidelity) 25 years on, Europe remains in crisis… but opportunities remain (CityWire UK) Could Trump help revive Russia’s economy? (FT beyondbrics) Worlds Safest Banks 2016: Global Top 50 (Global Finance) Is the world falling out of love with Facebook? (MaClean’s) Why …

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Knowledge is Power: Monopsony, Coal, Anti-Globalization Edition

Why Aren’t Americans Getting Raises? Blame the Monopsony (WSJ) A good list of tools for invesors (Rankia) Globalization and its political backlash and With Trump, no hope for change (Live Mint) America’s road trip: will the US ever kick the car habit? (The Guardian) Travelling on the Trans-Siberian in style: wi-fi, gyms, libraries, restaurant carriages, children’s playrooms …

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Knowledge is Power: Algorithms, Trump Has Already Won? , Deutsche Bank Downfall Edition

Algorithms Aren’t Biased, But the People Who Write Them May Be (WSJ) Why are so many active funds underperforming? (CityWire, UK) Schwab Market Perspective: Looking Past the Election (Schwab) and Vertigo: Effect of Spiking Healthcare Costs on Consumers (Schwab) The Tallinn experiment: what happens when a city makes public transport free? (The Guardian) Deducting a Loss in an …

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Knowledge is Power: Financials, US Healthcare, Balanced S&P 500 Edition

The sickly state of American healthcare (MoneyWeek) Mark Mobius: ‘beggar-thy-neighbour’ economics hurts us all (CityWire UK) How a more balanced S&P 500 can lead to richer returns (MarketWatch) Best yielding stocks in FTSE 100 look too good to last as dividend cover wears thin for the big payers (This is Money) Financials: A tricky time (Fidelity) Canada: David Kaufman: The …

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