The Top German Companies By Revenue 2016

Germany is the economic powerhouse of Europe. Unlike the consumption-driven economy of many countries such as the US, the Germany economy is export-driven. Some of the world’s largest companies are based in Germany. One way to identify the largest German companies in terms of revenue is to review the Fortune Global 500 list. The latest …

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Number of Publicly Listed German Companies Continue To Decline

The number of publicly listed companies continue to decline in many countries around the world. In earlier posts, I have discussed about the fall in public companies in the US and UK. The number of public companies listed continues to fall in Germany also as show in the chart below: Click to enlarge Source: The …

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On Germany’s Trade with the U.S.: Chart

The EU is the largest trade partner for Germany account for 56% of total turnover. At 9%, the US is second major trade partner.Last year German exports to the US totaled 143 billion Euros. Click to enlarge Source: The New Age of Protectionism- Trump’s Attack on Germany and the Global Economy, Der Spiegel The US market …

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