On the Sources of Electricity in Germany 2020: Chart

Germany generated more than 50% of its electricity from renewal energy sources in the first quarter of 2020 according to Destatis. Windpower accounted for the majority of the renewal energy produced.  Solar amounted to about 5% of the renewable energy sources. In the conventional energy source, coal is still the king accounting for 22% followed …

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The Return Triangle of the German DAX Index 1970 To 2019

In the short-term stocks can be volatile and can yield negative or low returns. However in the long run especially measured in years or decades stocks usually tend to produce a positive return. This is true in most equity markets of the world including the benchmark of Germany, the DAX Index. According to a research …

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The Top Ten Trading Partners of Germany in 2019

The Top 10 Trading Partners of Germany in 2019 are shown in the chart below. According to The Federal Statistics Office (Destatis), China was the most important trading partner of Germany in 2019 for the fourth consecutive year.  China was also the top import source country for Germany and the 3rd main export market for …

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The 30 Most Traded Stocks On The German Stock Exchange

The German Equity Market has recovered strongly since the lows of March tracking major global indices. Germany is the economic powerhouse of Europe and when looking for opportunities in the continent it is wise to focus on the German market. The country is home to some of the world leaders in certain sectors such as …

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