The Major Trading Partners and Trading Goods of Germany in 2020

Germany is the economic powerhouse of Europe. For global investors it is wise to be aware of the major countries Germany trades with and also the types of goods Germany exports and imports. With that said, Germany’s major trading partners in 2020 are shown in the chart below. The US was the largest export market for …

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Why Staying Invested is Very Important: A DAX Index Study

One of the critical factors that determines success with equity investing is the ability to stay invested not only during bull markets but also during bear markets. As the saying goes time in the market is important than timing the market This is because bear markets are followed by bull markets and vice versa, More …

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On the Sources of Electricity in Germany 2020: Chart

Germany generated more than 50% of its electricity from renewal energy sources in the first quarter of 2020 according to Destatis. Windpower accounted for the majority of the renewal energy produced.  Solar amounted to about 5% of the renewable energy sources. In the conventional energy source, coal is still the king accounting for 22% followed …

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