Comparing Current Account Balances Of Select Emerging Countries

Current Account Balances is an important factor to evaluate the health of an economy. A surplus indicates that the country is in a better financial shape and lends money to other countries. A deficit implies that the country is a debtor to other countries and institutions. The chart below shows the current account balances for …

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Why Invest In Emerging Market Bank Stocks

Emerging market banks offer distinct advantages over their developed world peers. Other than the obvious diversification benefits, banks in the developing countries tend to have higher growth and profitability rates leading to much better share price appreciations. For instance, in most developing markets a few banks dominate the industry and hence have higher pricing power. …

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August Is The Worst Month For Emerging Market Equities

Many emerging market stocks have performed poorly so far this year. After a strong run until last year, emerging markets have declined this year due to a multitude of factors including rising oil prices, impact of trade war initiated by the US, rising US dollar, etc. Hence some of the major markets of the developing …

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