Immigration to US: Chinese and Indians Overtake Mexicans

China and India have become the top source of new arrivals into the US overtaking immigrants from Mexico according to a WSJ article yesterday. While in the past Mexicans were the largest group of migrants in recent years migration from Mexico has slowed. From the article: Chinese and Indian newcomers to the U.S. are now …

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Global Piracy Hotspots: Chart

Piracy on the high seas is mainly an issue in the Southern Hemisphere. According to The Economist Nigeria has now overtaken Somalia as the major Piracy hotspot. The chart below shows the major piracy hotpots around the globe and attacks from 1991-2015: Click to enlarge Source: The Economist via Twitter

Infographic: Health Benefits Of Pulses

Pulses offer many health benefits as they contain Vitamin-B and are rich in complex carbohydrates, proteins and micronutrients. Pulses can be used as part of healthy diet to fight malnutrition and obesity. Pulses include beans, chick peas, etc. and are consumed less in developed countries. Earlier this year I posted a note discussing some facts …

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The Top 10 Countries Based On Per Capita Wealth 2016

GDP per capita is usually the popular measure to rank rich and poor countries. However using GDP as the main factor has many flaws. For instance, GDP disregards income levels in a country and a GDP is skewed in some cases where the government accounts for most the GDP.  In countries where the state is …

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Trade-Offs: What Other Things U.S. Defense Expenditures Could Pay For

The U.S. defense spending is the highest in the world. In fact, the amount spent each year is more than the combined military expenditures of the next few countries. According to the National Priorities Project, US taxpayers paid $528.49 billion for the Department of Defense. Unlike allocations to other areas, allocations to the military in the Federal …

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