Infographics: US National Parks

The US National Park Service (NPS) celebrated its 100th year anniversary on August 25, 2016. The creation of the great park system has been called  called “the best idea we ever had.” by the famous writer and environmentalist Wallace Stegner. Below is a neat infographics on the parks from the WSJ: Click to enlarge Source: How Economical …

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Wealth Distribution Across Select OECD Countries: Chart

Wealth distribution or lack thereof varies across OECD countries. The US is the most unequal country in terms of household wealth distribution among the select countries shown in the chart below: Click to enlarge Source: OECD The richest 10% of the Americans own more than 75% of the total household net wealth.Crony capitalism, regulatory capture, …

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Who can Fool More of the People for More of the Time

Every four years elections are held to elect a President. However there many fundamentals flaws with the way this process is setup one of which is the unique and mysterious electoral system. I came across an interesting articles this weekend on why the US election may present a good opportunity to buy US stocks. From …

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On The Relationship Between US Trade and GDP 1960-2015

Global trade is very important  for economic growth. So protectionist trade policies will lead to stunted growth or a recession. Increased global trade has tripled the share of trade in US national income in the past 50 years as shown in the graph below: Click to enlarge Source: November 2016 Trump – another Brexit moment?, The Absolute …

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