China Leads the US in Technological Patents

China is ahead of the US in technological patent applications in nine categories according to a study by Nikkei. China held the top spot based on 2017 data and accounted for 49% of all applications in the 10 categories shown in the chart below: Click to enlarge Source: Nikkei The Nikkei study concludes that Chinese …

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The List of Drugs Approved by the FDA in 2019

The US FDA approved 42 novel drugs in 2019. This was down from 59 approved in 2018. Swiss pharma giant (NVS) was the only company with four drugs approved. The complete list of drugs approved by the FDA in 2019 are shown in the table below: No. Drug Name  Active Ingredient Approval Date FDA-approved use …

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Doctors per Capita is the Lowest in the US among OECD Countries

Health care in the US is a cruel joke. Among the developed countries, the health care “system” is the worst in the world in terms of pretty much everything from spending to outcomes. One can easily write a voluminous book on the reasons for this disaster that all of us have to deal with. Too …

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