Interesting Article on Failure of High-Speed Rail in the U.S.

The Wall Street Journal published an interesting article on why high-speed rail failed in the U.S. using the example of the state of Illinois and its efforts to one route from Chicago to St.Louis. The piece touches on a few points but leaves out many. Some of these were noted by its readers in the …

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Countries and Their Best Things: Infographics

Each country in the world is known for something that it excels in or holds a leadership position. For example, Thailand is best known for rice and Chile is synonymous with Copper as it is the top producer and exporter in the world. I came across the following infographic showing each country and what it …

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20 Years of Price Changes in the US: Chart

The chart below shows the price changes of select consumer goods and services in the past 20 years. In the US, all the basic needs for a human being have become costly in the past 20 years. These include items like hospital services, education, child care, college textbooks, housing, etc. On the other hand, all …

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