The Trump Covid Plan !

The daily US infection count reached another record yesterday with 85,085 cases reported. So far in this pandemic 223,948 Americans have died and the total infection count is over 8.5 million according to NY Times data. But after months of dithering and misery, President’s Trump’s plan to rid the US of this nasty virus has finally been …

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Robot Density in the Manufacturing Industry by Country 2019

We looked at the chart of annual installations of industrial robots last week. The following chart shows the robot density in the manufacturing industry in 2019 by country. Asian countries top the ranking with Singapore, South Korea and Japan taking the top three spots. Among the developed European countries, Germany leads the list with 346 …

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Annual Installations of Industrial Robots by Country 2019

According to the World Robotics 2020 Industrial Robots report, currently there are 2.7 million industrial robots in operation in factories around the world. This figure is an crease of 12% relative to 2019 when 373,000 units were shipped global. Click to enlarge Source: IFR presents World Robotics Report 2020 China is the largest market for industrial robots with …

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The 1900 Paris Expo: Video

World’s fair used to popular in the early and mid decades of the last century. These fairs allowed countries to showcase their inventions, culture and accomplishments. The 1900 Paris Exposition was held in Paris, France from April 14 to November 12 in 1900 “to celebrate the achievements of the past century and to accelerate development …

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