Tokyo Olympic Medal Compositions: Infographic

The 2020 Olympics ended in Tokyo, Japan recently. Held during an ongoing pandemic with no spectators present in stadiums this was one of the unique Olympics held in modern times. I came across the following infographic on the medals awarded to winners. The composition of metals that these medals are made up of is interesting. …

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Health Care Spending as a Percentage of GDP for Select High-Income Countries, 1980–2019

The Commonwealth Fund recently published the results of a study comparing the health systems of 11 high-income countries. Some of the factors considered in the study are affordability, administrative efficiency, equity, and health care outcome. The U.S. ranked the last at number 11. Despite healthcare spending as a percentage of GDP being the highest, the …

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College Tuition in the U.S. is Too Damn High

The price to go to college has become very expensive and continues to remain high. Both public and private universities charge tuition and other fees that is adding crushing debt to the middle class. The reasons for the high price of a college education are vast that it would take a Ph.D.-level thesis or a …

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147 Alternative Words To Use Instead of “Very”: Infographic

Some of the words in English are overused, For instance, “Free” is often used in marketing in order to get consumers’ attention. Another word that is over-used is “very”. People often say “very good” when it is better to say “Excellent”. Similarly when they really liked a meal or a dish some people might say …

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