Countries Supporting Ukraine With Weapons: Map

In the current Ukraine-Russia war, some 30 Western countries are sending weapons to Ukraine so that Ukraine can use those against Russia and defend itself. The lone Asian country that is also participating in this coalition is Japan. In addition, the global south is participating in this war by supporting Ukraine with arms as the …

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Europe According to Vladimir Putin 2014: Humorous Map

I came across the below funny map of Europe according to Vladimir Putin in 2014 by author Yanko Tsvetkov of Atlas Prejudice. In a blog post, he wrote about how humor has morphed into horror in 2022. Putin’s view of Ukraine at that time is also shocking as the author has marked it as “EuroFascists”.  The same …

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The Euro in the World: Infographic

The Euro is the second most important and powerful currency in the world. I had bookmarked the below infographic on the Euro many months ago. The Euro has made life simpler and European economies much efficient. With the introduction of Euro many years ago, no longer one had to worry about converting to various currencies …

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VAT Tax Rates in Europe by Country 2022: Chart

Most countries of the world have a Value-Added Tax (VAT) that is levied on goods and services. The VAT is a consumption tax and varies widely among the member nations of the EU and the UK. The highest VAT rates for 2022 are in Hungary which charges 27 percent and Croatia, Denmark and Sweden where …

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