On The US Trade With TPP Countries

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a trade agreement among 12 Pacific Rim countries. Like other trade deals in the past, this new agreement aims eliminate hundreds of taxes and tariffs between member countries and make trade easier and efficient effectively benefiting all members. Click to enlarge The US will be the largest trade partner within …

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Outstanding US Corporate Debt, Not Cash Held, Is Important To Consider

Investors tend to focus on cash held by US corporations rather than their outstanding debts. All too often investors analyze and wonder about all the cash and cash equivalents held by large US firms. Every now and then the media also publishes a report on the cash pile that American corporations are hoarding within the country and …

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Chart: US Manufacturing as a Percentage of GDP and Income Inequality

The Manufacturing industry has been declining for many years now. While in the past an average American with a high school diploma could get a well-paid job in a local factory and settle down by raising a family, today’s average American with the same diploma might be lucky to find a job flipping burgers at …

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The 10 Biggest Binational Migrant Flows 2010-2015

Migration is a major issue globally. In the past few years the mass migration of people from the Middle East and Africa into Europe has become a major headline news for the media and politicians alike. Sometimes migration from one specific country to another tend to be very high for a variety of reasons. For …

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The World’s Happiest Countries Ranking 2016

The world’s top happiest country is Denmark according to the UN’s World Happiness Report 2016 Update. The other countries in the top five list are Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Finland in that order. Canada is the 6th most happiest country. The U.S. ranks 13th just above Costa Rica. It is not surprising that the Scandinavian countries …

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