China’s Economic Miracle From 1949 To 2019: Infographic

China has come a long way since the early part of the 20th century. From a rural “backward” country China has transformed its economy in the 70 years since 1949 to become the world’s second largest economy. While other communist countries collapsed and converted to democracy, China followed a different approach called “Market Socialism”. In …

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Interesting Article on Manchurian Plague, 1910-11

Many of the epidemics and pandemics in modern times originated in China. For example, the Asian Flu (1956-1958), SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in 2002, H7N9 in 2012, etc. all started in China. Of course, the country is also the source for the current coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19). The reasons for why China is the originator of …

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