China Is No Longer The World’s Factory Floor

China used to be the world’s factory floor where most of the items produced were considered to be cheap and low quality. That is no longer the case. As with other emerging markets that have moved up the value to become developed countries, China is also moving up the value chain. So that means the …

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The World’s Longest Sea Bridge Opened in China

The World’s Longest Sea Bridge connecting Hong Kong, Macao and Zhuhai in mainland China was opened yesterday. The 55 km modern marvel includes a tunnel under the sea, artificial islands and multiple bridges. Below is a short video clip of this amazing bridge: Source: New China TV Curious Americans are wondering if China can, why can’t we …

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What Does China Export: Infographic

China is the world’s largest exporting country in terms of the value of goods exported. No wonder “Made in China” are the three most powerful and popular words almost in every country. The top 5 export destinations for Chinese goods are the US, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Germany in that order. The infographic …

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MSCI Emerging Markets Index Country Weights Jan 1988 vs. March 2018: Chart

The MSCI Emerging Markets Index is the most popular index that tracks the performance of emerging market equities. The composition of the index has changed dramatically over the years. The following chart shows the composition of the index by country weights at inception in 1988 vs. the composition in March, 2018: Click to enlarge Source: …

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Share Classes, Currencies and Exchanges of China Stock Market 2018: Chart

The equity market of China is complex to say the least. Due to capital flow restrictions, there are many different share classes and currencies that they can be traded with. There are seven different types of share classes. A-Shares are allowed for trading only for domestic investors and foreigners are not allowed to own those. …

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