Review: The Year-to-Date Performance of Chinese ADRs

A few years ago Brazilian equities were the top attraction for global investors when the country was booming. These days the communist country of China has become the focus of attention for investors. Though China is being widely mentioned as the culprit for causing the latest meltdown in world equities, many other factors can be attributed for the crash. …

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Why Investing In Chinese Stocks Is Not For The Faint Of Heart

“I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest.” – Winston Churchil Global investors in Chinese equities might agree with the above quote if Russia is replaced by China especially with its meddling …

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The Composition of Chinese Household Wealth and Potential Impacts

Chinese equities have been on a roller coaster ride for the past few months. Since reaching the peak in June this year, the Shanghai Composite Index has fallen by 29%. However despite this plunge, Chinese stocks are still in the positive territory for this year. In a Guardian article on the Chinese equity market crash …

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Top China A-Shares By Returns Before The Recent Collapse

“To get rich is glorious!” – Deng Xiaoping The Chinese seem to take above Deng’s message to a whole new level. During the dot com boom in the late 90s tech stocks on the NASDAQ soared to astronomical levels. Americans from all walks of life were mesmerized by the paper “wealth” that was being created on a …

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The Largest and Most Powerful Public Chinese Companies 2015

Every year Forbes magazine publishes the largest companies in the world. These firms are selected based on many factors including revenues. From the 2015 report: The FORBES Global 2000 is a comprehensive list of the world’s largest, most powerful public companies, as measured by revenues, profits, assets and market value. We use a composite score …

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