On the Total Number of Mutual Funds in the US Market

The number of publicly-listed US companies continues to decline each year. From a peak of over 7,600 in 1997 the number has shrunk to about 3,600 at the end of 2017. That is a reduction of over 50%. Click to enlarge Source: Where Have All the Public Companies Gone?, April 8, 2018, Bloomberg Despite the fall …

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Average Annual U.S. Equity Returns Following Bear Markets: Chart

U.S. stocks have historically yielded strong returns in the years following bear markets. Since 1926, the average duration of bull market has been 82 months while that of the bear market has been just 23 months according to an article at T.Rowe Price. To put another way, bull markets last four times as long as …

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U.S. Bull and Bear Markets Since 1926: Chart

The bull market in U.S. equities since the Global Financial Crisis(GFC) seemingly remains strong despite many crises affecting the US and global economy in recent years. The most recent Turkey crisis has become another “dead on arrival” case. The question now on most investors’ mind is what is holding up US stocks so well and …

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