The Five Best and Worst Emerging Country Equity Returns 2003 Thru 2018

Emerging equity markets are have higher risks but can yield higher returns. The following chart shows how diversification among these markets is essential for long-term success with this type of asset class. No one country is the consistent performer each year. For example, in 2018 Qatar was the best market while Turkey was the worst. …

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Asset Class Total Returns 2004 Thru 2018: Chart

Diversification is a simple and easy strategy to beat market volatility. Diversifying one’s assets in a portfolio among various asset classes is one of type of diversification. The following chart shows the total return of various asset classes from 2004 thru 2018. Click to enlarge Source: What Asset Diversification Looks Like, in One Chart, Northwestern …

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Single Country Equity Market Returns for Developed Countries 1999 Thru 2018

The following chart shows the annual returns for individual developed countries from 199 thru 2018. Since 2008, the US has been the best performing market for four years. In 2018, global export-driven countries like Germany and Canada were the worst performers.Overall the chart below shows the importance of diversification since no country is the consistent …

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The Periodic Table of Emerging Markets 2018: Chart

The Periodic Table of Emerging Markets for 2018 was recently published by US Global Investors. This chart is similar to The Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns but is specifically designed for emerging markets. In 2018, the best performing emerging market was Russia with a loss of about 1.5% followed by India and Brazil. Among …

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