Beaten Down Brazil Offers Investment Opportunities

The Bovespa Index is down over 20% YTD. Compared to Chile and Mexico, Brazil’s performance has been worse so far this year. However Brazil continues to be the most attractive investment destination in Latin America for foreign investors. For example, Brazil ranked 5th in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) with about $48 billion flowing into the …

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15 Brazilian Utility Stocks

The BM&FBOVESPA Public Utilities Index(UTIL) is one of the four new indices that started trading on the Brazilian market this month. This index is composed of companies in the public utilities sector (electric energy, water and sewage, and gas).The index components are selected for their liquidity and weighted in the portfolio by the market value …

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Brazil’s Trade With China Soars

One of the factors that investors need to consider when selecting an emerging market for investment is the country’s trade with other emerging markets. Countries such as China that depend heavily on exports to the developed world will not fare better should the developed countries experience another downturn again. Emerging market countries that depend on …

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A Review of 11 Brazilian Electric Utility Stocks

Brazilian stocks have been not performed well in recent months. The Bovespa is down 3.5% so far this year compared to a rise of 1.7% for the S&P 500. However Brazil’s economy continues to grow, though at a lower pace than last year. The economy is projected to grow by 5.5% this year.Currently plenty of …

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