Quicktake: BRF Brasil Foods

BRF Brasil Foods(BRFS) is a Brazil-based food company engaged in the “production and sale of poultry, pork, beef cuts, milk, dairy products, and processed food products.” The company markets its poultry products under the brand name Chester and is also the largest meat processor in the world. The company used to be called Perdigao. After …

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The Top 10 Components of the Dow Jones BRIC Brazil 15 Index

The Dow Jones BRIC Brazil 15 Index represents 15 of the largest and most liquid stocks traded on the Bovespa stock exchange of Brazil. In US $ terms, the index had an exceptional performance this year. As of November 30th, the index is up nearly 136%. In terms of the Brazilian Real it is up …

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The Brazilian Real Estate Market is Projected to Boom

The real estate sector in Brazil remained stable during the global credit crisis last year and is now projected to expand further due to the 2016 Summer Olympics related investments and the rising income of middle class families. From an article titled “Brazil’s Coming Rebound” in BusinessWeek magazine this August, “São Paulo – For years, …

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