The Worlds Biggest Uranium Producers: Chart

The top five countries that have the largest uranium resources in 2019 are Australia, Kazakhstan, Canada, Russia and Namibia according to The World Nuclear Association. Russia is estimated to have about 5 percent of the world’s supply. The following chart shows the world’s top uranium producers in 2021: Click to enlarge Source: Russia’s Stranglehold On …

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How Far Can a Single Gallon Take a Ton of freight by Rail?: Infographic

We know railroads are the best form of transportation for moving large quantities of certain goods such as agricultural commodities, coal, etc. and other freight such as autos, consumer goods, etc. over long distances cheaply. But I had never thought about how much railroads are fuel efficient. According to AAR, American railroads on an average …

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The World’s Fastest and Slowest Roads

One of the important infrastructure needs of a country are the roads. An excellent road network not only helps people travel from one place to another easily but also facilitates the movement of goods thereby increasing trade and unleashing further economic activities. In many emerging countries of the world, poor roads are a major hindrance …

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Bear Markets Are Great Time To Invest For the Long-Term

Equity markets go thru bull and bear markets every few years or so. While bull markets are great and makes every investor a genius, bear markets offer excellent opportunities to build wealth for long-term investors. This is because unlike in bull markets, stocks are cheaper and investors can pick up more of them for the …

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