Life Expectancy At 65 For Select OECD Countries: Chart

The life expectancy at 65 is important because how long people people live after retirement. According to the latest OECD data, people in Japan live the longest at age 65 as shown in the chart below. Other countries with high life expectancy at 65 are Korea, Spain, France and Switzerland. Click to enlarge Note: The …

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The Top 10 North America-based Auto Parts Suppliers 2023

Auto parts suppliers is one of the largest industries that supports the auto makers. From proving jobs to hundreds of thousands of workers to producing cutting edge parts these parts suppliers are a major backbone of the global auto industry. With the growth in EVs the parts companies are expanding their portfolios to take advantage …

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Eight Charts on the Australian Economy

The Australian economy is one of the largest among the developed countries. With a GDP of about $1.5 Trillion the economy is smaller than the Canadian economy. Similar to Canada, Australia is also a resource-based economy. To put it another way, Australia mostly depends on simply digging up what’s under the ground and exporting to …

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The Top 100 Auto Parts Suppliers To North America 2023

Auto parts suppliers form a critical part of the automotive industry eco-system. Without the parts suppliers major auto makers would grind their operations to a halt. The auto parts suppliers make everything from electronic systems to seats and everything in between. The importance of the parts makers cannot be understated. For instance, airbag makers are …

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On The Performance of Nasdaq-100 vs. S&P 500

The NASDAQ-100 index represents the largest 101 non-financial companies listed on the NASDAQ exchange. It is a modified capitalization-weighted index. The S&P 500 index on the other hand is a free-float capitalization-weighted index is composed of the largest 500 companies trading on the US markets. The S&P 500 is more representative of the US economy …

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