Time to Recover to Pre-Pandemic GDP Per Capita For Select Countries: Chart

Economic recovery is underway in most countries of the world. China’s economy was the least adversely impacted last year due to the swift control of the pandemic. However most the developed countries are now in a better position to grow their economies with the invention of the vaccine last year. After initial dithering and chaos …

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10 US Food Stocks To Consider

Inflation is making a comeback in the US economy. The latest figures showed prices grew 5% in May according to a journal article yesterday. It is not just used cars, fuel, services and other items that are increasing in prices basic necessities such as food is also going up in prices. Unlike other products, people will …

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Sea Rescue in the North and Baltic Seas: Video

Millions of people volunteer around the world helping others that get into trouble. The following is a documentary about the work of The German Society for the Rescue of Shipwrecked People (DGzRS). This society of rescuers help rescue people in the North and Baltic seas battling dangerous waves and weather day and night. Their unique boats …

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Train Journey Across Turkey on The Dogu Express: Video

The Dogu Express is an overnight train that travels between Anakara and Kars in Turkey covering a distance of 1,310 km. The below video is an informative world-class documentary on this train from German broadcaster DW. Though the service is currently suspended this train trip should be on the bucket list of every train enthusiast. Click to …

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