Fact of the Day: US Stocks Beat Foreign Stocks Over The Long Term

I have written many times on this blog that US investors have to diversify their holdings across assets including owing foreign equities. The convention wisdom that American multinationals derive a substantial portion of their earnings form abroad and hence foreign stocks are not necessary to own does not necessarily hold true. However in recent years …

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The Largest 10 US Stocks at the Start of Each Decade: Chart

Many of the top US firms stayed in the top 10 rank for decades while others did not. For example, AT&T(T) lasted in the top 10 for six straight decades from 1930. General Motors(GM) and General Electric(GE) also ranked in the top 10 for many decades. Some of the one-time wonders include Lucent Technologies and …

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On the Year-to-Date Return of Exchange-Listed Foreign Oil Stocks

Oil prices have fallen dramatically this year as the pandemic decimated global oil consumption. Currently Brent crude is trading under $37 for January delivery. With the fall in crude oil prices oil stocks have been crushed well. Most of the foreign exchange-listed oil stocks have plunged by 50% of more as shown in the table …

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