Only in the USA: Health Insurance for Pets

Health insurance for humans in the US is a disaster when compared to other developed countries in the Western world. Not a day goes by without the media publishing some atrocious story about the flaws in the “system”. Recently a woman was sent a bill for $898,984 for her baby which was born premature. In another instance, …

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Bull Markets in US Equities since 1900: Chart

US stocks are soaring year after year since the trough of Global Financial Crisis. Since 2010 the market has increased by 363% for an annual rise of 15%. The current market is unique in that it is the longest running bull market without a drop 20% according to a note by Goldman Sachs(GS). The following …

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Dividend Tax Rates in Europe 2019: Chart

Tax rates on dividends vary widely across European countries. The following chart shows the dividend tax rates across countries: Click to enlarge Source: Dividend Tax Rates in Europe, Tax Foundation Note: The dividend tax rates shown above are expressed as the top marginal personal dividend tax rate, taking account of all imputations, credits, or offsets. Ireland …

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