Comparing Current Account Balances Of Select Emerging Countries

Current Account Balances is an important factor to evaluate the health of an economy. A surplus indicates that the country is in a better financial shape and lends money to other countries. A deficit implies that the country is a debtor to other countries and institutions. The chart below shows the current account balances for …

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Employment Protection Legislation: Which Countries Are Flexible and Which Are Rigid?

Employment protection laws for labor varies countries countries. Countries with flexible labor laws tend to have vibrant economies and strong economic growth. The US is the classic example of this scenario. Among the major developing countries India has the one of the most rigid labor laws as the following chart shows: Click to enlarge   …

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On the Importance of Diversification During Bear Markets

Diversification is one of the simplest and easiest strategies that retail investors can follow to protect their portfolios from high volatility. Holding a wide variety assets across regions and countries and sectors and avoiding timing the market would go long in generating high returns. Trying to predict which sector will be winner during the next …

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Per Capita Income Comparison of BRICS Countries

The per capita income among BRICS countries vary widely. Russia has the highest per capita income at about $11,000. India has the lowest at $2,000 as shown in the chart below: Click to enlarge   Source: India’s Strong Economy Continues to Lead Global Growth, IMF The IMF article notes that India’s per capita income is well …

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