Viña Concha y Toro S.A Voluntarily Delisted ADRs From NYSE

Chilean firm Viña Concha y Toro S.A is a wine maker and distributor of wines and other alcoholic beverages. The company’s ADR used to trade on the NYSE under the ticker VCO. Vina voluntariy delisted its ADRs from the NYSE effective July 12, 2018. Below are the details of the termination notice: You are hereby notified, …

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Norway’s Statoil Changed its Name to Equinor

Norwegian oil giant has changed its name from Statoil to Equinor. Statoil used to trade under the ticket STO on the NYSE. Since May 16, 2018 the ticker was updated to EQNR. The company instituted this change in order to get rid of oil from its old name to meet current trends towards renewable energy …

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Average Annual U.S. Equity Returns Following Bear Markets: Chart

U.S. stocks have historically yielded strong returns in the years following bear markets. Since 1926, the average duration of bull market has been 82 months while that of the bear market has been just 23 months according to an article at T.Rowe Price. To put another way, bull markets last four times as long as …

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