Vanguard: How to Navigate Through Market Volatility

Global markets have turned volatile in recent weeks. Earlier this month when US markets crashed for a few days market experts were out in full force saying rising interest rate, valuations, etc. were the reasons for the sudden change in the direction of the market. Some simply said that markets were due for a correction …

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Emerging Market Shocks and Rebounds

Emerging markets also tend to bounce back sharply after major market declines. This phenomenon is similar to developed markets where dramatic falls are followed by strong recoveries in the following months and years. The table below shows some large emerging market crashes and the ensuing rebounds: Click to enlarge Source: Emerging-Market Resilience, Franklin Templeton Emerging markets …

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On The Importance of China in Emerging Markets

China has the second largest economy in the world with a GDP of over $11.4 Trillion. The country is also one of the largest trading partners in the world. The US is China’s largest trading partner and China exports more goods to the US than it imports. Below are some fascinating facts about China from …

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