The S&P 500® Dividend Aristocrats List 2017

The S&P 500® Dividend Aristocrats® Index measure the performance of S&P 500 companies that have increased dividends every year for the last 25 consecutive year or more. Companies achieveing the aristrocrats desingation are unique since increasing dividends for many years is not an easy. Invstors looking for consistent dividend payers among the S&P 500 companies can …

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Comparing the Sector Composition of Emerging and Developed Market Indices

I came across the following table showing the sector weightings in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index and select developed market indices:     Click to enlarge Note: The data shown above are as of Dec, 2016. So the weightings may have changed since then. Some of the high-level observations from the above are: Canada’s TSX …

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Going Abroad Can Reduce Equity Risk And Boost Returns: Infographic

Investing in foreign stocks offer many advantages such as a wide universe of stocks to choose, higher dividend yields in some markets, different earnings growth rates and potential high growth opportunities, etc. The following infographic shows some of the beneits of going overseas: Click to enlarge Source: Global Vision Enhances Equity Insight by Mark Phelps, Scott …

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The Most Innovative Country in the World is also a Developing Country

The most innovative country in the world is neither a developed European country or the US. Based on a study by Ana Maria Santacreu at the St.Louis Fed, China leads the world in innovation based on the number of patent applications filed by year: Click to enlarge   Source: Chart of the Day: The Most Innovative …

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