U.S. Ranks 33rd in terms of Dividend Yield Globally

The US equity market has one of the low to average dividend yields in the world. The S&P 500’s yield has been around 2% for many years now. Of the 44 countries in the MSCI All-Country World Index, the US ranks poorly. Based on the dividend yield the US stands at the 33rd spot. Click to enlarge Source: …

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Foreign-born Population As a Percentage of Total Population for Select Countries

The number of foreigners (i.e. foreign-born people) relative to total population varies across countries. Some countries such as those in Eastern Europe have low foreign-born population since they have been closed economies until the iron curtain fell. Luxembourg(LUX) and Switzerland (CHE) have the highest foreign-born population since they are tax havens. Mexico (MEX) and Poland(POL) have the …

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Samsung Organizational Structure

The South Korean economy is dominated by a handful of Chaebols. One of these conglomerates is Samsung. The following chart shows the size and complexity of Samsung: Click to enlarge   Source: Why a horse named Vitana V might be good news for Korean equities, The Equities Forum, M&G Investments Update (Aug, 2017): Samsung Ownership Structure-2017 …

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The Top 12 Current Account Surplus Countries

The Top 3 current account surplus in 2006 were China, Japan and Germany in that order. In 2016, Germany became the world’s top current account surplus country: Click to enlarge Source: Your morphing global savings glut, FT Alphaville From an investment point of view, sometimes surplus countries are better for investment than deficit countries. The US …

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