Sources of Electricity Generation: Germany vs. USA

Germany produces more than one-third of its electricity from renewable energy sources. This is a huge rise from year 2000 when just 6% of electricity came from renewable sources. Click to enlarge Source: Sea change to Germany’s energy transition as it throws renewables to the open market, DW The Energiewende program that the country implemented a few …

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Five Reasons Why Holding Individual Stocks Are Better Than Index Funds

The world of equity investing has changed in the past few decades. The invention of mutual funds decades ago allowed many retail investors to participate in the market by pooling resources together and reducing risks. More recently the advent of ETFs have changed the investment landscape even more as investors have a wide range of …

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Is it Time to Invest in Railroad Stocks ?

The Railroad industry in North America is an oligopoly with a handful of players dominating the market. From an investment perspective railroads are solid long-term investments with consistent growth and stable and growing dividends. As a cyclical sector, railroads tend to follow the overall state of the economy. Railroad stocks were flat to down until …

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