Outstanding US Corporate Debt, Not Cash Held, Is Important To Consider

Investors tend to focus on cash held by US corporations rather than their outstanding debts. All too often investors analyze and wonder about all the cash and cash equivalents held by large US firms. Every now and then the media also publishes a report on the cash pile that American corporations are hoarding within the country and …

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Knowledge is Power: Commodity Bear Market, Tarnished Treasures, Misinformed Edition

Commodities: the bear market is over (Schroder’s) As union membership has fallen, the top 10 percent have been getting a larger share of income (EPI) Schwab Market Perspective: Stocks Stuck in the Muck (Schwab) The end of the American Dream (MoneyWeek) UK Stocks: 11 PRIZED BLUE CHIPS THAT HAVE BECOME TARNISHED TREASURES (Money Observer) Happy Birthday, Intercity Express! …

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Dividend Growers Beat Dividend Payers And Non-Dividend Payers Over The Long Term

When picking stocks to hold for the long-term it is important to not only buy dividend payers but also own dividend growers. Companies that consistently raise their dividends year after year or even every few years tend to outperform those firms in terms of stock price growth that do not pay dividends or maintain the same …

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Though US Bank Stocks Are Under-Performing Now, Future Looks Bright

The S&P 500 is down 1.67%. The benchmark index for major US banks, KBW Nasdaq Bank Index,  has declined more with a loss of 2.79% so far this year. The chart below shows the 5-year return of the index: Click to enlarge Source: Yahoo Finance Though banks are lagging the S&P 500, over the past …

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