Dividend Payments are Highly Concentrated in the UK Stock Market

Dividend paid out by British firms are unevenly distributed with a few large players accounting for a large portion of the dividends paid out. Traditionally the British dividend landscape is dominated by firms in certain sectors such as mining, oil, utilities, tobacco, consumer staples and telecom. In fact, according to a research report by Schroder’s …

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Two Top British Fund Managers Favor Tobacco Stocks

Tobacco stocks are some of the consistent long-term winners in terms of both income and total returns. In a recent speech, two of the star rated fund managers in the UK noted their preference for stocks in this industry. Star fund managers Terry Smith and Neil Woodward noted a few reasons that support their views. …

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Chart: World War II Casualties as a Percentage of Each Country’s Population

World War I was supposed to the “War to End all Wars“. However many years later World War II followed. The death toll in WW II was enormous with millions of lives lost on the allies side and the enemies side. After WW II new smaller wars led to more deaths. I came across a …

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