Winners And Losers Of Falling Commodity Prices

Lower crude oil prices benefit some countries while others suffer. Similarly cheap oil helps some sectors more strongly than others. For example, airlines and shipping firms benefit heavily as they are direct users of large amounts oil. It is not just crude oil that has declined dramatically in the past few months. Other commodities such …

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Review: The Year-to-Date Performance of Chinese ADRs

A few years ago Brazilian equities were the top attraction for global investors when the country was booming. These days the communist country of China has become the focus of attention for investors. Though China is being widely mentioned as the culprit for causing the latest meltdown in world equities, many other factors can be attributed for the crash. …

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The List Of Financial Transactions Tax Rates In G-20 Major Economies

Most major developed countries charge some of taxes on Financial Transactions. After the Global Financial Crisis(GFC) of 2008-09 some of the countries introduced new taxes in an effort to discourage rampant speculation. However the Financial Transactions Tax(FTT) has been a failure in some countries such as Sweden. The FTT varies widely between countries and also …

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Infographics: Top Sources Of Immigrants To The US and EU

Mexico is the top source of immigrants to the USA while Turkey is the top source of migrants to the EU. Turkey is a relatively well-off country compared to Morocco for example but still Turks immigrate to the EU. Though thousands of migrants from African and other poor countries pour into the EU these days …

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