How Big Is The World’s Largest Ship?

The World’s largest ship is the Maersk Triple-E. This ship is larger than the Statue of Liberty, Boeing 747, Eiffel Tower and the Washington Monument. Click to enlarge Here are some pictures of this mega ship;   Listed below are a few fascinating facts about Triple E: It can carry 18,000 twenty-foot containers. Laid end-to-end they will reach …

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Just 2% of Indian Households’ Total Financial Assets are in Stocks

Households in India have very low exposure to equities in terms of their financial holdings. In fact, a recent article in The Wall Street Journal noted that Indians have about 2% of their total financial assets in stocks. This is very low compared to other countries such as the U.S. where the rate is 35%. …

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Top 15 Countries With Highest Military Expenditures

Emerging countries such as Brazil, India, China and Turkey are among the world’s top military spenders. Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and UAE also spend heavily on military since they can afford it. However it is questionable if they really need all the expensive military toys they buy from western defense contractors. Click …

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Knowledge is Power: Interest Rate Hikes, Pink Slips, Emerging Markets Edition

Federal Reserve Interest Rate Hikes: A Historical Perspective (Forward Management LLC) Pink Slips at Disney. But First, Training Foreign Replacements (NY Times) Ten Things Americans Might Find Odd About the Way Russians Live (Sputnik News) Why Wall Street keeps winning (MaClean’s) Investment and inequality: Stock markets for whom? (OECD Oberver) Turkey and China: political uncertainty and monetary …

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