On The Impact of Inflation on Equity Returns

“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” – Vladimir Lenin The S&P 500 closed at 1,977 yesterday. The index has more than doubled from the lows reached in March 2009 at the peak of the global financial crisis. For the first time it crossed the 2,000 mark in …

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Comparing Emerging Market Dividend Payout Ratios To U.S. Dividend Payout Ratios

In an earlier article I discussed about the decline in the dividend payout ratios of U.S. companies. In this post let us take a look at how dividend payout ratios in the emerging markets compare to that of U.S. dividend payout ratios. Many investors in the developed world have the misconception that emerging market equities …

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Infographic: 10 Facts About The Single European Market

In 2012, the EU celebrated the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Single European Market. The combination of all the European markets into a single one has been a highly successful project.Today the EU market is a huge and is comparable to the US market. As a single entity Europe is also able to not only compete …

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Financial Asset Class Types Held By Latin American Households

The financial assets held households can be of many types including bank savings deposits, insurance policies, pensions, bonds, stocks, etc. Usually households’ total financial assets is split between a variety of asset classes. Globally the percentage split among the asset classes vary from region to region and even country to country. For instance, Germans are …

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Which Companies Are The Top Global Healthcare Companies by Market Capitalization?

The global healthcare  industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. Companies in the healthcare industry are enjoying rising demand for their products not only in the developed world also in the emerging world. In the developed world people are living longer and also falling ill more. In the emerging countries, higher stress levels and change in food …

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