The 7 Largest Russian Companies By Revenue 2012

Russia is a natural resourced based economy. Oil and natural gas especially are the two key industries. Hence firms from the energy industry dominate the top firms listed below. These 7 companies appear in the Fortune Global 500 list for 2012.   Source: Fortune Global 500, Fortune None of the Russian energy giants trade on the …

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On The Gold and Silver Price Super-Cycles

Commodity prices including those of precious metals tend to go through super-cycles. Booms and busts occur as a result of these cycles. These cycles last for many years. In the latest super-cycle gold prices have climbed consistently in the last decade up until 2011 when prices reached a peak of just over $1,900.00. Since then …

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Saudi Arabia: The World’s Largest Petroleum Producer and Net Exporter in 2012

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has a population of about 26.0 million. The government type is a monarchy run by King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud according to the CIA’s World Factbook. He belongs to the Al Saud family which controlled the country since it was created. In fact, the country …

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