A Note on Santander ADRs Trading on the NYSE

Four different type of Santander bank ADRs trade on the New York Stock Exchange.In order to clarify any confusion when identifying the relevant ticker, here is a brief overview of the four ADRs: 1.Banco Santander SA (SAN): Santander is the Spain-based multinational banking group with operations in Spain, the United Kingdom, Portugal, the Latin American countries …

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Knowledge is Power: German Banking, Brazil, Wealth Effect Edition

Germany: Europe’s quiet banking crisis (EuroMoney) Euro-Zone Unemployment Higher than Ever Before (Der Spiegel) The wealth effect: Spending like you are rich (Financial Post) The world needs more food – and Latin America is the place to invest (MoneyWeek) Presentation: Brazil – The end of the (love) affair? (DB Research) America’s deleveraging- Still a long way to go (The Economist Blog) …

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Which Asian Companies Own North American Gas Assets?

Many Asian energy companies and utilities have bought stakes in North American gas and oil assets to export North American gas to their home markets or sell in the North American market. The following table lists the Asian companies owning North American gas assets: Click to enlarge   Source: The Potential Impact of North American …

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