HSBC: 43 High-Yielding European Stocks Likely To Outperform the Market

European equity markets have fallen heavily this year due to the ongoing debt crisis there. While most investors are avoiding European stocks some are wondering if the current opportunities are too good to pass up. Yesterday strategists at HSBC published a research report stating that investors have a rare opportunity to invest in high-yielding European …

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The Role of US and UK Central Banks in Creating Housing Bubbles and Rising Income Inequality

The US and UK Central Banks were complicit in inflating the housing bubble by keeping the interest rates too low for a long time. While this theory has been discussed by many, Albert Edwards of Société Générale takes a different angle on why the Central Bankers kept encouraging the housing bubble. A post in FT Alphaville …

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A Review of the Invesco Perpetual High Income Fund

The Invesco Perpetual High Income Fund is one of the largest unit trusts (or mutual fund) in UK with an asset base of about £11.0 billion . The fund aims to achieve a level of high income together with capital growth. The fund invests most of the assets in UK-listed companies with the remaining in …

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Which Countries Have the Highest Subsidies for Fossil Fuels?

Most developing and resource-rich countries offer high subsidies for fossil-fuel consumption. Subsidies for oil, natural gas, electricity and coal vary among countries depending on the natural resources present in the respective country in addition to other factors. In the developed world, subsidies for oil is mostly non-existent despite some of the countries blessed with large …

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